I began 2007 unemployed, unsettled, and unsure. Such words typically inspire action or reaction. In the craziness of unemployment, God provided rest. Individual rest with the Lord and rest with dear friends provided a portrait of life early on in 2007.

Despite the test of death, God prevails in life.
Both with my nephew, days before his wedding, and with my Father's health this fall, our family watched, waited and interceded for God to bring health and wholeness. When my nephew's truck rolled and crashed, and he walked away with minor injuries, we marveled at God's grace and mercy.

Despite potential good, a job does not define me.
If I've heard God correctly in this year, He continues to remind me that my identity rests NOT in my occupation, job title, or other accomplishments. At the end of the day, these things shape me, but my identity remains held in God. He defined me long ago as His child, His masterpiece, and even His delight. And He gave me a job description, regardless of my employment. "Love me," he says, and "love others!" I have a long way to go before this is perfectly accomplished. But I want to keep living in to it. I hope God grows in me a greater capacity to love for 2008. And I've no doubt that God will keep reminding me who I am.

Right very now
Friends kid (mock?) me about the use of this phrase. It works, however. Perhaps a financial analyst, or other forecasters might argue for more future vision, but one of the things I'm grateful for in the past year is the availability for the present. As my friend Jordan likes to say, "fear of tomorrow robs me of today," and "too much looking back may mean I miss today's sunrise." God extends precious experiences in the right very now. I hope 2008 continues to provide plenty of moments to lean into and the adventure of experiencing life to the full.
May the words of my mouth, the meditations of my heart, and the interactions of my days be pleasing in your sight oh God, my Rock and Redeemer.