22 August 2008

establish the work of our hands

I spent the last two days with a couple hundred Spring Arbor University staff and faculty as we experienced our annual retreat. Annual is a relative term because we didn't technically have a retreat last year. Last year was a dinner, with a meeting. All day. Yawn. As in, too much information crammed in to a meeting. Previously they've hosted retreats and thus, the term annual.

We have a new president this year.
And he and the "first lady" are hilarious.
You know that way when you are completely surprised by how funny people are? The unexpected humor that slides under you like a banana peel to whisk you off your feet? That's the two of them. Very committed to the call at SAU. Very committed to Jesus. Very committed to each other. And slightly zany.

So, when it came time to take the annual (again, relative, b/c we take this photo say three or four times a year) picture with my coworkers, we had to don the "costumes" that the president and the first lady sported in their opening speech to staff. (We did invite them into a photo as well, but we kept on their costumes and let them be, well, presidential, or something.)

Beyond that "silliness" however, they also chose the verse of the year for our university. And it is a great prayer for the start of the academic year:

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us:
establish the work of our hands for us, yes,
establish the work of our hands
" (Psalm 90:17).

We were also challenged, celebrated communion, and co-missioned to join Jesus in "taking over the world" as our motive and calling. I felt completely drawn in to the call, the urgency, the importance, and the community working together. These were good days--filled with hope and challenge to live into our identity individually and as a community.

May it be so, Papa. May it be so.


Jewels said...

Yes Gracie! I love the comparison of their humor to a banana peel! And the class verse is a winner, too. Blessings to you all.

Gracie said...

Thanks, J.