24 September 2006


"So our salvation lies
not in an escape from this world
but in the
transformation of this world.

Everything good and true and beautiful in history is not lost forever
but will be restored and directed to the
worship of God.
All our human activity (in the arts and sciences, economics and politics)
and even the nonhuman creation
will be brought to share in the liberating rule of God [Romans 8:18-21]...

You will not find hope for the world in any religious systems or philosophies of humankind.
The biblical vision is unique.

That is why when some say
that there is salvation in other faiths I ask them,
'WHAT salvation are you talking about?'

No faith holds out a promise of eternal salvation for the WORLD
the way the cross and resurrection of Jesus do."

-Vinoth Ramachandra, "The Scandal of Jesus"

Not much else I can add to that except Amen.
Thank you for your incredible grace to us and to your world Lord!

photo credit: Hildred, ocean shores washington, 0803.

1 comment:

Jewels said...

I love this, Gracie: "Everything good and true and beautiful in history is not lost forever
but will be restored and directed to the worship of God." I can't wait.