13 August 2006

grace filled beginnings

If first impressions dictate future interactions, the pressure for a first blog posting may prove a stranglehold on creativity, (self imposed pressure, naturally). Part of me resists blogging altogether...but mostly the rebellious, don't-really-want-to-conform, part of me. I feel privileged to read several intriguing blogs, some of good friends, and some of perfect strangers. But that's what I've observed, reading someone's blog exposes one to the intimate thoughts and details of the bloggers life. The person who seems unknown, a stranger bizarrely becomes "unstrange" in a surreal virtual way. And so contemplating such realities begins to weird me out. The other element to consider, as serious consideration, is the writing. So many post such great thoughts, from poetry to philosophy, and everything in between. It tends to intimidate, honestly. (Although, one might point out that blogging is not a competitive activity. Hmm. yes. right.)

At the end of the day, the decision exists. Yet i'm here. A decision made. A direction plotted. But the need for grace also exists. See, I want to be a faithful blogger. And I want to offer significance, and not careless blether. My life experience likely points to something in between. For at moments life's significance appears identifiable, much less understandable. At other moments, it's simply about getting through a day or a week and hoping to see God's hand at work and offer Him the necessary honor. It may seem ordinary and insignificant. Those are the moments of life. And grace. I hope I do them justice!


La said...

yay! I am the first comment-er (also not a competitive sport). i also wanted to not carelessly blether, but do....on some days, because that is what my day consists of. that's ok. we sometimes need blether, but i AM excited to read your significant and overwhelmingly contemplative stuff too. no pressure.

White Rabbit said...

Most Excellent! i'm excited that you're blogging now. i think it's just great. Like you said, life is often the ordinary, everyday, average things. That's just a part of who we are. i'm looking forward to hearing about both the extraordinary and ordinary moments in your life.

Anonymous said...

You guys are great!!! Thanks for visiting and for being part of the ordinary and extraordinary pieces of my lil existence!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh hooray, hooray! So happy to have you joining us in cyberspace. And your new computer is pure dead brilliant!

Gracie said...

My lil laptop IS brilliant. (I should name her!) Box and all, right? :-) Yes. It's good to finally join the ranks for my hip, bloggin' friends.
Hopefully I'll post something new, soon!!!

Jewels said...

Yay for Gracie, and yay for grace! You are in so much trouble for leaving camp without saying good-bye, but hey, grace will lead us home.

Gracie said...

okay, i only left quietly so as not to make a fuss...and i knew i had to leave before i made the foolish, although likely fun, decision to stay. so, my apologies. but i'm so glad for the opportunity to hang out with you!!!